Better than sex

Yup, that is one way to start a headline and there is no question mark at the end. It all started a few hours ago. I was considering a twist at the end of season 3 and 4 and it had too be a good test, not some ‘ta ta ta’ trumpet. It had to be the kind of twist where you go: ‘Are you effing kidding me?’, so I had the twists, but the dialogues are still a mess, there aren’t too many, because this isn’t some drama, it is a science fiction story. I want to set the pace around a fair bit of Astrolinguistics, optionally relying largely on a rosetta stone that is founded in mathematics, as such I also need to avoid what was done in contact. So we have a setting that needs filling in, but the fiction part in the science has been met for close to 4 seasons in this. And as I was considering a twist for the end of season 4, something just hit me. It went from one image, to a thousand images in less than a second, so it took a few minutes to see what my brain had been up to and that is when I got it, the stage not for the TV series, but for us, for what we could do and it is a massive shift, it will hit at least two larger industries. If I can figure a few things out, I found the equivalent of a Ferrari F4, whilst the auto industry is still trying to figure out the Ford Model T. 

This is way beyond the ‘eureka’ moment. I took location surfing and gave it a spin, as such people  can visit the moon, visit the exotic places all from a single stance. This isn’t some version of enhanced reality, this is a new reality, settled on the mind through domotics and robotics. 

So when we consider what we can do and where we can go and perhaps the entire covid issue pushed it to the foreground, I wondered on other matters and that is when it hit me and as such options the are offered through places like Google could now offer an Adam and Eve option on a much larger scale. The question is even as 5G can dal with it, would it push congestion onto the 5G field? Will it take a more evolved of AI? All matters that come to the surface, but in the stretch of things not a simple solution. I merely have to get my mind around it from a systems point of view and an operational point of view.

In this, my mind has been racing close to three hours now, seeking more interactions, optional solutions and operational protocols in the matter, still, my mind keeps on touching on Astrolinguistics for some reason. It goes beyond the work of Alexander Ollongren. He states ‘Design of a Linguistic System for Interstellar Communication Based on Logic’, which might work but it is our values, our logic and our application of mathematics. What about the other side of the communication? You see we saw the foundation of communication as “we tell person B, person B responded to person A and person A shows the the response was comprehended”, a sort of handshake procedure, but a handshake procedure is set to the state of we knowing the person B is working with similar standards, when that is not a given the handshake is much more likely to fail. Mathematics makes that chance smaller and smaller, but not nil, as such we have an optional problem in a given setting. For example we go about stating 1=1, yet if the other side has no representation of ‘=‘, the conversation fails. So settings of TRUE and FALSE are set to a different spectrum. Consider the two blind persons are considering the topic of flower, they both take roses, but as roses might smell similar, the conversation halts if the sense of smell of one is better than the other and the second person smells the difference between the two. That I a stage we tend to ignore to often, either through vision, or through comprehension, forgetting what the stage of the other person was. That is the stage that is overlapping both the series and what I was thinking through. And even the evolved AI will not grasp it because the designer of the AI never got it, that is the stage we find ourselves in front of. It is not merely about 5G, it is about the stage around 5G and the people making decisions seem to be unaware of the larger stage. We see this 

In Sky News with ‘Dawn of the fourth revolution: A combustion of 5G, AI and Quantum tech is nearing’, and it is given to us from the very beginning “Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello says the world is at “the dawn of the fourth revolution” and in the next five years, Australia will see a combustion of 5G, AI, and Quantum digital technologies. “The key to navigating in a digital world is trust. This must be built on privacy, security, and transparency; it must be grounded in ethics,” he said” first there is the time line. 5 years? OK, it is not a bd setting to have and a lot can be completed, but the truth is that it will take a decade, true AI relies on Quantum computing and shallow circuits and they re both in infancy, in 3-4 years who knows. As such the 5 year mark is for his convenience and the setting of convenience is where a lot goes wrong. So when we consider ‘navigating in a digital world is trust’, it is not that simple, the digital world is founded on dimensions of access and options of both aggregating sources and filtering the mesh coming towards us, this is access as well as capability, trust is a simmer of hope in a world that has none to give. If you doubt this call the NSA at +1-301-688-6311 and ask for the server administrator access password for their mainframe, good luck!

Then we get the gem ‘built on privacy, security, and transparency’, three words the have different meaning to a lot of people, the politician not governing and the politician governing have a different version, so do the people of justice, people of defence, people from the intelligence group (remember the phone number) and our average Joe the trader, they also have different views on transparency and security, and these people need to sit down in an equal footing whilst the people have very different ideas on some of these concepts. As such Victor Dominello is starting his view of the future wearing pink coloured glasses whilst everyone else is wearing different kind of shades and none can agree of the colour of a blue vase, good luck with that prospect. And the I all before I get to ethics, which will be a little too tiring at present.

Yet when we consider the puzzle in front of us we see a larger stage we all would like to be on, it is just the the work of Alexander Ollongren needs a bit of work. I would start with the changing minds and the different settings towards the approach and understanding of logic, but that is just me.

Have a great Monday!

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