It’s a leap year

For some it is a beginning of more. I just been in hospital for a week getting chest chiselled in two and replaced parts of my heart. Yet today was about more. Dune the second chapter gets out today and one review was chiseled in stone. You see there were two ‘errors’ with this version. They were not of consequence. The first was the the reference to the emperors army planet. The second is a joke, but the harkonen fans will love it. Yet these two parts do not add up to scrutiny. The movie was raw and refined. The review I saw (whilst I was already stating that I would see it) the review stated ‘Villeneuve brings the action’ need we know more?

I saw in the first movie all the parts that the first two iterations oversaw, but it didn’t come into the equation. Perhaps the second movie will get some if the issues rolling. But the second movie will be on target with ‘Villeneuve brings the action’. That’s all I needed to see, the rest I will know soon enough. But this is a special day, a leap year day. I have considered a few things in the past on ‘How to assassinate a politician’ and recently a few rewrites on Engonos, things are working out for me.

To see these elements in place on several tracks. OK, it happened over a few days. Still the setting to see it all come to fruition on February 29th matters. It might not seem that big a leap, but to do it in a hospital bed and frame the setting in my brain all whilst surgeons are placing a valve there is to see it come to fruition is uncommon and it turns out that the first day of my live starts on a leap year. 

Think of it what you will, I will make my own reservations. I have wasted enough time waiting for some sob to call me. I now have defined amount of time left (well sort of) and we do not use the time that we have to ourselves, time matters and that gave me the idea that I will impart on Engonos. Soon more about gaming IP and set to stone what I saw coming well over a year ago.

Enjoy your day

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