Tag Archives: Alwaleed Bin Talal

The players

This is a bit hard for me. I have just had open heart surgery (4 weeks ago) and things are not panning out like I would hope. I think I am now on my last few legs, things might improve, but I do not think so. This is it for me, so the last thing I can do is to keep the IP out of the hands of Microsoft. Why would they enjoy my life’s work? The procrastinators of mediocrity. The man who gave us the term ‘Meh, good enough’? The insult is just beyond insane. So lets follow this up with the players who were invited. 

The favourite child
That was the first, Google. I have always ben pro Google and as such they had a first position. That was until they dropped the Google Stadia. At that point Google was out. The Google Stadia was the number one systems, but they were not alone.

The initial players
So, I had to look at other players, there were three

The three are optional choices, the all needs to pass the qualifying questions (Whether they can run unreal 5 engine applications) but that is about it and the rewards are there. 50 million consoles in the first stage and another 125,000,000 consoles in stage two. So from inception until about 2 years to get the numbers. That places the system who takes that dive to the top of the charts, surpassing Sony and equalling Nintendo, that is a strong incentive and the cost? A Canadian passport and 300 bitcoin post taxation (a lot less then initially) but with my timeline sliding out of reach, I can merely hope to get some kind of a reward for the idea and I have written about it often enough (not everything) but the larger lines remain intact and as I settle on the stage another player made his entry.


You see, it seems that these players are afraid to commit, so I needed another player to optionally commit to the idea and an Islamic system might be a stage that a person like HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal might like to spread his influence out over a much larger domain. Consider Egypt with 109 million people, Indonesia with 273 million and Bangladesh with 169 million, beyond that Islam is followed by a total of 1.9 billion people. My numbers were straight on and perhaps low as well. A islamic system that unites them all? A nice dream to have and one that could be a reality. That is the path I saw and now that my track is running to an end I want to make some money to life out my life in decent comfort. Is that too much to ask for? 

Anyway, I still have a few sides to sell and other places that can see that there is more to me. Will it work? I don’t know but this path was one I never predicted. One cut short by an open heart surgery. Will I survive? Perhaps, but not to the degree I expected, that much is certain. So now I can only hope that I can sell my IP to a party that is willing to hand me my dues. A simple dream but it is all I have left.

Enjoy the day.

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