Tag Archives: mirror

Like any good story

As it is said, like any good story this was set off by a joke. A girl (youthful young woman) I know asked me how you can tell if AI is installed on your phone. Like a red flag to a bull it was all I needed for the demon on my left shoulder to whisper in my ear “Go on you pussy” and off course I obliged the little sucker. I told her that I wasn’t sure how it could be checked on Android, but on iOS I only knew of one way (knowing she had an iPhone). So she went all in with ‘Cool, how can you tell?’ I told her. Hold the phone in front of her and ask ‘Siri, why am I single?’, if the front camera activates the AI module was installed. And she obliged by doing just that. It was fun all around and she caught on about 5 seconds later which got me the response ‘Lawrence, you dick’ and the demon on my right shoulder went ‘Nice!’. Such is life. 

Yet this set of a chain of events in my mind. Disney (the old guy in a freezer) came into play as did somethings I saw during the week and my mind started to combine a few matters. The YouTube part were the video’s of these lookalike pictures in an NHL stadium was one, the second was Walt Disney with his ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall’ and the idea was set into my brain.

You see these videos have a 40K or more likings on YouTube. This implies that well over 5 times will have seen it. In addition in the video you see how the person of interest howls at being the ‘lookalike’ as does the audience. This implies that the interest is clearly there and the app does not yet exist (I checked). Now, not everything we like gets a like and that is fine. What we have here is tractions and that matters down this track. So consider an app where you see a mirror and the mirror is the reflection of you (via your camera) with the first button, now with some added filters (some added now and some added over time) people can make a picture of themselves to use in whatever. I use my image with a Charlie Brown filter which I have had for over a decade, but I know that if I come across another nice filter I will upgrade for longer or shorter time my image. Then there are online ‘social’ people who want to upgrade their image of self weekly. 

Now we get to part 2, the second option is to press another button on the image with the mirror and the ‘mirror mirror’ part activates and the system will seek a lookalike online and reflect that one. 

This would be hilarious at times and whilst you could activate options like Celebrity, anyone, sports, goofy and so on another lookalike could be found. Some will be awesome, some not so. With goofy we get that anyone with a beard could get an image of an ape. You get the idea. 

This app is supposed to be fun and in addition you could add a reward setting. The reward is that as you spread the lookalike love you get a choice of mirror, frame and filters. You see whenever they share the image, it comes with a small reference to YOUR app (iOS, Android). Just a small reference at the bottom. This get YOU traction on social media and optional more and more downloads. To make this work you need to keep the price low (like $0.49). You think it is nothing. But it could mean the difference between 1000 downloads and 5 million downloads and that is where the cash starts flowing in. You see most people will not hesitate when it is a mere $0.49 and they will hesitate when it is $0.99, that difference is thousands of downloads and as you make the app better and better more people will come to your app and try it. 

It is up to you to give the appeal that they will try it with a ‘Why not’ set of mind and $0.49 gets you that. As your solution is more fun, is better and gives them better downloads (without the link) to save their OWN image, they will use it more readily and gives more visibility as well. 

It is a simple setting that the lower fee will almost certainly guarantee. You still need to make a good app, but that is up to you and the first one will reap the rewards of revenue. I have no time for this. I have other things I am working on and as such I am handing it to you my readers. To make something of this. As calculations go $0.49 minus the 15% that Apple charges gets you with 10,000,000 downloads 4 million plus. The better the traction, the easier the 10 million downloads are reached. The lower the price, the faster it goes and I reckon you can (if you make a good app) get a lot more than 10 million downloads. You see there is a lack of fun apps that gives you something to laugh at, a nice option to see yourself in another filter and a way to entertain friends. Then consider the amount of selfie lovers (for whatever reason) and the need to have decent filters come into play and in all this your app that came from a free idea will get you your house (or a new car) what would you do when you get an additional few millions? So have fun, be wild and offer the people something that gives them a chuckle or two. And I hereby fulfil the promise I made less than 24 hours ago.

Have fun and enjoy the rest of the week.

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Filed under IT, Media

The memento way

Even though I want to tell you what got me out of bed, I will not. I need to do a recap first. 

Mr. S. King resigned (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/02/08/mr-s-king-resigned/)
Another episode (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/03/02/another-episode/)
And then there were three (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/04/03/and-then-there-were-three/)
The continuation (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/04/04/the-continuation/)
And a little more (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/04/04/and-a-little-more/)
A dark matter of factuality (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/05/11/a-dark-matter-of-factuality/)


Recap and time stitching (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/07/19/recap-and-time-stitching/)
Parlez vouz pierre tombale? (At https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/07/20/parlez-vouz-pierre-tombale/)
Watch this shit (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/07/21/watch-this-shit/)
And then there were two (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/07/22/and-then-there-were-two/)
Where the colossus is no more (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/07/23/where-the-colossus-is-no-more/)
Presenting yesterday now (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/07/27/presenting-yesterday-now/)
When time becomes orchestrated (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/07/27/when-time-becomes-orchestrated/)
The plot becomes a mess (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/08/13/the-plot-becomes-a-mess/)
To the other side we go (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/08/15/to-the-other-side-we-go/)
From the flames into the fire (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/08/15/from-the-flames-into-the-fire/)
Places that are not ever there (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/08/18/places-that-are-not-ever-there/)
There was that idea (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/08/18/there-was-that-idea/)
Heat is faster, you can catch cold (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/08/19/heat-is-faster-you-could-catch-cold/)
Only mortals get to sleep (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/08/21/only-mortals-get-to-sleep/)
Knowledge is nothing (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/08/24/knowledge-is-nothing/)
When the trap is not the issue (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/08/25/when-the-trap-is-not-the-issue/)
Minding ones manners (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/08/27/minding-ones-manners/)
Peek a boo (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/08/28/peek-a-boo-2/)
Wheels of a scribe (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/09/04/wheels-of-a-scribe/)
Green is for (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/09/10/green-is-for/)
Not cordially invited (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/09/11/not-cordially-invited/)
In Crete we trust (at https://lawlordtobe.com/2022/09/12/in-crete-we-trust/)

A you can see, there was a lot in season one one of this trip, yet there is a part missing, and for all the tea in China (725,447.8 Kg)  I cannot find the 2-3 pieces. They are now important as it reflects on an event that woke me up.  I was with a woman in an undisclosed location, we were about to have desert. It was a strawberry selection, two parfaits (I actually had to look that part up) and some strawberry mouse with strawberry covering and some small fruit tart with mashed strawberries with whipped cream. It was at that point my brain started to scream out loud. I told her, no matter what do not, I repeat, do not touch anything with strawberries. I looked at the waiter. Where is the closest mirror? He looked odd at me and pointed up a small entresol, there is a large mirror there. I ran to the mirror and my mind kept on screaming. I stared in the mirror, something I never do. I have one mirror somewhere and that is to see if I have to comb my hair. I stared into my own eyes. What stared back was a different me, an almost diabolical self. He screamed at me ‘Strawberries and poison are mixed there’ I became myself and the mirror merely showed a reflection. I ran back. This is toxic, do not touch it. She looked in fear at me and the waiter almost in disgust. He stated that he would be right back, He came back with something that looked like post-it paper. He touched the blue post-it on the strawberry and it turned slightly red. ‘Mon Dieux’ he stammered and ran off. A minute later there was commotion upstairs and two man came down. The took me and the woman away from the table and they arrested me no less. So why did that paper turn red? Strawberries were red, but the man panicked, so this was about something else. I was taken away in a dark van, where to was unknown to me and that was when I woke up. The dream is linked to the missing episodes. An Afreet in Turkey, I need to find this episode (in 2-3 parts). It is part of the season 2 escalations. In that part we will learn about 2 more players in this grand scheme, but the mirror was new, how new? I cannot tell yet because there are parts missing and that is the irritating part of a story that is incomplete. I hope to add more soon. 

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Filed under Stories